
1. ManimConfig


from manim import *

# 获取选项值
color = config["background_color"]
# 修改默认值
config.background_color = WHITE     # OR
config['background_color'] = WHITE

2. 所有配置选项的默认值


for k, v in sorted(vars(config)['_d'].items()):
    print('{}: \t\t\t\t{}'.format(k, v))


PS D:\workspace\manim> manim Test
Manim Community v0.14.0

assets_dir:                             ./
background_color:                       black
background_opacity:                     1.0
custom_folders:                         False
disable_caching:                        False
disable_caching_warning:                False
max_files_cached:                       100
dry_run:                                False
enable_gui:                             False
enable_wireframe:                       False
ffmpeg_loglevel:                        ERROR
flush_cache:                            False
force_window:                           False
format:                                 None

frame_height:                           8.0
frame_rate:                             60.0
frame_width:                            14.222222222222221
frame_x_radius:                         None
frame_y_radius:                         None
pixel_height:                           1080
pixel_width:                            1920

from_animation_number:                  0
fullscreen:                             False
gui_location:                           (0, 0)

media_dir:                              ./media
media_width:                            60%
movie_file_extension:                   .mp4
notify_outdated_version:                True
output_file:                            None
images_dir:                             {media_dir}/images/{module_name}
input_file:                             D:\workspace\manim\
log_dir:                                {media_dir}/logs
log_to_file:                            False
partial_movie_dir:                      {video_dir}/partial_movie_files/{scene_name}
sections_dir:                           {video_dir}/sections
tex_dir:                                {media_dir}/Tex
tex_template_file:                      None
text_dir:                               {media_dir}/texts
video_dir:                              {media_dir}/videos/{module_name}/{quality}

plugins:                                []
preview:                                False
progress_bar:                           display
quality:                                None
renderer:                               cairo

save_as_gif:                            False
save_last_frame:                        False
save_pngs:                              False
save_sections:                          False

scene_names:                            ('Test',)
show_in_file_browser:                   False
upto_animation_number:                  inf
use_opengl_renderer:                    False
use_projection_fill_shaders:            False
use_projection_stroke_shaders:          False
use_webgl_renderer:                     False
verbosity:                              INFO
window_monitor:                         0
window_position:                        UR
window_size:                            default
write_all:                              False
write_to_movie:                         True
zero_pad:                               4

3. 一些使用经验


出现错误Invalid data found when processing input

> manim DaysOfThisYear
Manim Community v0.14.0

[01/25/22 16:18:40] INFO     Combining to Movie file.
D:\workspace\manim\media\partial_movie_files\partial_movie_file_list.txt: Invalid data found when processing input

原因是设置了config['save_last_frame'] = True。详情见这里讨论:Using config.save_last_frame = True causes manim 0.6.0 to fail at generating video output. · Issue #1487



config['disable_caching'] = True
本文系Spark & Shine原创,转载需注明出处本文最近一次修改时间 2022-02-26 22:26

results matching ""

    No results matching ""