

1. 事件驱动


2. Protothread机制

2.1 概述

传统的操作系统使用栈保存进程上下文,每个进程需要一个栈,这对于内存极度受限的传感器设备将难以忍受。protothread机制恰解决了这个问题,通过保存进程被阻塞处的行数(进程结构体的一个变量,unsiged short类型,只需两个字节),从而实现进程切换,当该进程下一次被调度时,通过switch(__LINE__)跳转到刚才保存的点,恢复执行。整个Contiki只用一个栈,当进程切换时清空,大大节省内存。

2.2 特点

Protothread(Lightweight, Stackless Threads in C)最大特点就是轻量级,每个protothread不需要自己的堆栈,所有的protothread使用同一个堆栈,而保存程序断点用两个字节保存被中断的行数即可。具体特点如下[1]:

  • Very small RAM overhead - only two bytes per protothread and no extra stacks
  • Highly portable - the protothreads library is 100% pure C and no architecture specific assembly code
  • Can be used with or without an OS
  • Provides blocking wait without full multi-threading or stack-switching
  • Freely available under a BSD-like open source license

protothread机制很早就有了,Contiki OS只要运用这种机制,protothread机制还可以用于以下情形[1]:

  • Memory constrained systems
  • Event-driven protocol stacks
  • Small embedded systems
  • Sensor network nodes
  • Portable C applications

2.3 编程提示


2.4 调度


A protothread is driven by repeated calls to the function in which the protothread is running. Each time the function is called, the protothread will run until it blocks or exits. Thus the scheduling of protothreads is done by the application that uses protothreads.



[1] Protothreads - Lightweight, Stackless Threads in C

[2] About protothreads

[3] Protothread | SourceForge.net

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