
1. collect_garbage

1.1 垃圾回收概述


static void collect_garbage(int mode) //mode见1.2
  uint16_t sector;
  struct sector_status stats; //sector_status结构体用于统计垃圾回收页面情况,见1.3
  coffee_page_t first_page, isolation_count;

  PRINTF("Coffee: Running the file system garbage collector in %s mode\n", mode == GC_RELUCTANT ? "reluctant" : "greedy");

  /*The garbage collector erases as many sectors as possible. A sector is erasable if there are only free or obsolete pages in it. */

  for(sector = 0; sector < COFFEE_SECTOR_COUNT; sector++) //COFFEE_SECTOR_COUNT见1.4
    isolation_count = get_sector_status(sector, &stats); //见二

    PRINTF("Coffee: Sector %u has %u active, %u obsolete, and %u free pages.\n", sector, (unsigned)stats.active, (unsigned)stats.obsolete, (unsigned)stats.free);

    if(stats.active > 0)

    if((mode == GC_RELUCTANT && stats.free == 0) || (mode == GC_GREEDY && stats.obsolete > 0))
      first_page = sector * COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR;
      if(first_page < *next_free)
        *next_free = first_page;

      if(isolation_count > 0) //找到isolation_count个连续的孤立页
        isolate_pages(first_page + COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR, isolation_count); //见1.5

      PRINTF("Coffee: Erased sector %d!\n", sector);

      if(mode == GC_RELUCTANT && isolation_count > 0) //如果是GC_RELUCTANT回收策略,一旦有逻辑分区被擦除就停止

1.2 回收模式mode


#define GC_GREEDY 0 
#define GC_RELUCTANT 1

1.3 sector_status


//struct sector_status stats;
struct sector_status
  coffee_page_t active;
  coffee_page_t obsolete;
  coffee_page_t free;




1.5 isolate_pages


//isolate_pages(first_page + COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR, isolation_count);
static void isolate_pages(coffee_page_t start, coffee_page_t skip_pages)
  struct file_header hdr;
  coffee_page_t page;

  /*Split an obsolete file starting in the previous sector and mark the following pages as isolated.*/

  memset(&hdr, 0, sizeof(hdr));

  /*Isolation starts from the next sector.*/
  for(page = 0; page < skip_pages; page++)
    write_header(&hdr, start + page);
  PRINTF("Coffee: Isolated %u pages starting in sector %d\n", (unsigned)skip_pages, (int)start/COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR);

2. get_sector_status


//isolation_count = get_sector_status(sector, &stats);
static coffee_page_t get_sector_status(uint16_t sector, struct sector_status *stats)
  static coffee_page_t skip_pages;
  static char last_pages_are_active;
  struct file_header hdr;
  coffee_page_t active, obsolete, free;
  coffee_page_t sector_start, sector_end;
  coffee_page_t page;

  memset(stats, 0, sizeof(*stats));
  active = obsolete = free = 0;

  /*get_sector_status() is an iterative function using local static state. It therefore requires the the caller loops starts from sector 0 in order to reset the internal state.*/
  if(sector == 0)
    skip_pages = 0;
    last_pages_are_active = 0;

  sector_start = sector * COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR;
  sector_end = sector_start + COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR;

  /*Account for pages belonging to a file starting in a previous segment that extends into this segment. If the whole segment is covered, we do not need to continue counting pages in this iteration.*/
    if(skip_pages >= COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR)
      stats->active = COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR;
      skip_pages -= COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR;
      return 0;
    active = skip_pages;
    if(skip_pages >= COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR)
      stats->obsolete = COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR;
      skip_pages -= COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR;
      return skip_pages >= COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR ? 0 : skip_pages;
    obsolete = skip_pages;

  /*Determine the amount of pages of each type that have not been accounted for yet in the current sector.*/
  for(page = sector_start + skip_pages; page < sector_end;)
    read_header(&hdr, page);
    last_pages_are_active = 0;
      last_pages_are_active = 1;
      page += hdr.max_pages;
      active += hdr.max_pages;
    else if(HDR_ISOLATED(hdr))
    else if(HDR_OBSOLETE(hdr))
      page += hdr.max_pages;
      obsolete += hdr.max_pages;
      free = sector_end - page;

  /*Determine the amount of pages in the following sectors that should be remembered for the next iteration. This is necessary because no page except the first of a file contains information about what type of page it is. A side effect of remembering this amount is that there is no need to read in the headers of each of these pages from the storage.*/
  skip_pages = active + obsolete + free - COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR;
  if(skip_pages > 0)
      active = COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR - obsolete;
      obsolete = COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR - active;

  stats->active = active;
  stats->obsolete = obsolete;
  stats->free = free;

  /*To avoid unnecessary page isolation, we notify the callee that "skip_pages" pages should be isolated only if the current file extent ends in the next sector. If the file extent ends in a more distant sector, however, the garbage collection can free the next sector immediately without requiring page isolation.*/
  return (last_pages_are_active || (skip_pages >= COFFEE_PAGES_PER_SECTOR)) ? 0: skip_pages;
本文系Spark & Shine原创,转载需注明出处本文最近一次修改时间 2022-03-22 00:14

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