1. LaTeX font size

LaTeX font size,

command         8pt     9pt     10pt    11pt    12pt    14pt    17pt    20pt

tiny            5pt     5pt     5pt     6pt     6pt     6pt     8pt     10pt
scriptsize      5pt     6pt     7pt     8pt     8pt     8pt     10pt    12pt
footnotesize    6pt     7pt     8pt     9pt     10pt    10pt    12pt    14pt
small           7pt     8pt     9pt     10pt    11pt    12pt    14pt    17pt
normalsize      8pt     9pt     10pt    11pt    12pt    14pt    17pt    20pt
large           10pt    10pt    12pt    12pt    14pt    17pt    20pt    25pt
Large           11pt    11pt    14pt    14pt    17pt    20pt    25pt    29.86pt
LARGE           12pt    12pt    17pt    17pt    20pt    25pt    29.86pt 35.83pt
huge            14pt    14pt    20pt    20pt    25pt    29.86pt 35.83pt 42.99pt
Huge            17pt    17pt    25pt    25pt    25pt    35.83pt 42.99pt 51.59pt

2. Change font size

(1) list items and subitems

\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate body begin}{\large}
\setbeamertemplate{itemize/enumerate subbody begin}{\tiny}

(2) footnote



[1] What are all the possible first arguments to \setbeamerfont?

[2] Highlight only current subsection, hide subsections of other sections

[3] beamer - Changing font size of list items and subitems - TeX - LaTeX Stack Exchange

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