
1. 生成文献列表



如果只是用pdflatex编译的话,会提示错误Citation undefined。还需要用bibtex编译,我的做法是,写个简单脚本,如下:

#!/usr/bin/env bash

pdflatex -shell-escape $filename
bibtex $filename
pdflatex $filename

xdg-open $filename.pdf

2. 引用显示作者和年份



3. natbib

3.1 usepackage


\usepackage[options]{natbib} # e.g., \usepackage[comma,authoryear]{natbib}

round        # (default) for round parentheses;
square       # for square brackets;
curly        # for curly braces;
angle        # for angle brackets;

colon        # (default) to separate multiple citations with colons;
comma        # to use commas as separators;

authoryear   # (default) for author­year citations;
numbers      # for numerical citations;
super         # for superscripted numerical citations, as in Nature;

sort                 #orders multiple citations into the sequence in which they appear in the list of references;
sort&compress       #as sort but in addition multiple numerical citations are compressed if possible (as 3­6, 15);
longnamesfirst        # makes the first citation of any reference the equivalent of the starred variant (full author list) and subsequent citations normal (abbreviated list);

sectionbib           # redefines \thebibliography to issue \section* instead of \chapter*; valid only for classes with a \chapter command; to be used with the chapterbib package;
nonamebreak            # keeps all the authors’ names in a citation on one line; causes overfull hboxes but helps with some hyperref problems.

3.2 引用类型

natbib.sty有两条基本的引用命令:citet, citep,如下:

\citet     # textual citations, print the abbreviated author list
\citet*    # textual citations, print the full author list

\citep     # parenthetical citations, print the abbreviated author list
\citep*    # parenthetical citations, print the full author list

\citealt   # the same as \citet but without any parentheses.
\citealp   # the same as \citep but without any parentheses. 

\citeauthor{ale91}         # Alex et al.
\citeauthor*{ale91}        # Alex, Mathew, and Ravi

\citeyear{ale91}           # 1991 
\citeyearpar{ale91}        # (1991)

#Citations aliasing

\citetalias{ale91}    # Paper I
\citepalias{ale91}    # (Paper I)

\citetext # place arbitrary text around a citation. e.g., \citetext{short comm.} ⇒ (short comm.)


\citet{ale91}              # Alex et al. (1991)
\citet*{ale91}             # Alex, Mathew, and Ravi (1991)
\citet{ale91,rav92}        # Alex et al. (1991); Ravi et al. (1992)
\citet[chap.~4]{ale91}     # Alex et al. (1991, chap. 4)

\citep{ale91}              # (Alex et al., 1991)
\citep*{ale91}             # (Alex, Mathew, and Ravi, 1991)
\citep{ale91,rav92}        # (Alex et al., 1991; Ravi et al. 1992)
\citep[chap.~4]{ale91}     # (Alex et al., 1991, chap. 4)

\citep[see][]{ale91}       # (see Alex et al., 1991)
\citep[see][chap.~4]{jon91}# (see Alex et al., 1991, chap. 4)

4. bibliographystyle

请参考: Bibliography and citation style, abbrv, acm, alpha, apalike, ieeetr, plain, siam and unsrt.

5. Others









Pdf Viewer

Here’s how BibTeX works. It takes as input

  1. an .aux file produced by LaTeX on an earlier run;
  2. a .bst file (the style file), which specifies the general reference-list style and specifies how to format individual entries, and which is written by a style designer [..] in a special-purpose language [..], and
  3. .bib file(s) constituting a database of all reference-list entries the user might ever hope to use.

BibTeX chooses from the .bib file(s) only those entries specified by the .aux file (that is, those given by LaTeX's \citeor \nocite commands), and creates as output a .bbl file containing these entries together with the formatting commands specified by the .bst file [..]. LaTeX will use the .bbl file, perhaps edited by the user, to produce the reference list.[1]


Bibliography Style 例子:




modify the style file:


$ latex myarticle
$ bibtex myarticle
$ latex myarticle
$ latex myarticle


[1]PSU: Bibliography and citation style

[2]On-line Tutorial on LATEX: 10 Bibliography.pdf

[3] Natbib Documentation

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